Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Requires sleep, a holiday and a lottery win.

I'm in the middle of writtin (I can't even type) writing the second book to follow on from the...oh FFS you know what I mean. Anyway, it's erotica. I've been putting it off for days. I'm up to the point where I need to write a sex scene, something hardly anyone knows me for, because I'm known as the wife, mother, sister, aunt, nephew (huh?), diet consultant. I find writing tiring probably because like many other authors it's not my only focus during the day. I find writing erotica particularly tiring for some reason and I can assure you it's not because I'm physically researching every scene as I write it. Although that's not a bad idea...

I've been working on my business, writing a few words and promoting the Spring Book Festival for the past three days and I'm knackered-not in the good way!

Don't get me wrong, naturally, I'm not averse to writing a sex scene, I've read enough. (Personally I'm as pure as the driven snow, don't you know...) I was however wondering if I could just type the words "insert sex scene here" and let the reader write their own. Bit like John Cage's 4'33" (If you watch that You Tube video-I can play that.) No? Damn.

Let's focus on progress I have made for a minute. Some of this will make no sense if you haven't read past blog posts. Well, what can I say, do keep up! They're still there, help yourself. 

As I clearly like talking about inserting things into other things:

-I finally successfully inserted toilet rim blocks into the toilets. No strawberries were harmed in the process.
-I have inserted my daughter's newly acquired birthday presents into wrapping paper.
-I have inserted the family dinner into various cooking devices.
-The family has inserted said dinner into their mouths and had a damn good mastication.
-Apparently I am now inserting yet another cold coffee into my mouth.

And no, there was literally no reason for this blog post.

Why are you still here?

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