Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Almost Halloween

Today is one of the highlights of my year. I love Halloween. I don't particularly enjoy the incessant opening of the front door and handing out sweets for 4 hours on the actual evening. Especially not to the 6' tall teenagers to come round with a Halloween costume consisting of a mask and uttering a very low "Trick or Treat" at me at 9 pm. I suppose the small humans in their various witch and vampire costumes are OK. I just like skulls and skeletons and gruesome stuff. 

Today we went to Broadwitch Hauntfest. For a flat fee the four of us got to wander around four haunted houses and one haunted outside bit as many times as we wanted. It was loud, menacing, pitch black, had flashing lights, spinning things and lots of dead people hanging around. We go every year and I love it. I'm not allowed to go in the evening when the actors jump out at you. I think the kids think I'd get too excited. We go in the morning when we don't have to queue and we get each haunted house to ourselves.

Having been squished by inflated corridors, had ceilings threaten to collapse on me and sat in a church of skeletons for a rest, I have pictures (none of the insides, I was having too much fun going into the hiding places and pulling faces at the family when they caught up with me.)

These are my new lights.

I require this wallpaper everywhere.

This is difficult to walk along when you're walking the way they want you to, but nigh on impossible to walk back the way you came. I know. I tried. And it's only the tunnel that spins. I love it. Dizzy.

I've got to wait another year before I go again now. Boo.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

I see me here, I see me there

I see me bloody everywhere!

I'm spluttering my way through a stinking cold at the moment. I have to admit it's a damn sight better than the throat thing that led up to it. At least now I know I should be OK for the weekend. For a while I thought I was coming down with man flu, which would be a neat trick!

Cossie decided to climb out of her vivarium just as I was about to tip half a dozen locusts in there for her. I don't speak lizard. Unsure of what she wanted, I sat on the stool in front of her home with the arm she'd climbed on in the air until it started going numb. Eventually, I relocated her onto my shoulder and brought her downstairs and sat on the sofa until she climbed off me onto the floor. All she did then was sit there giving me what may or may not be warning signals. I took her back upstairs again to her house, fed her and left her to it because I had appointments booked. Who knows.

Book news: Whilst I have been getting ahead with writing Missing Remnants and Iridessian Haunts for Radish Fiction, I've also been blogged.





Radish Fiction is new and I'm still trying to spread the word.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Is quite clearly mad!

People who know me well, realise that already. I have just started writing a new serial on Radish Fiction. That would be perfectly normal if I hadn't already got one on the go I haven't finished yet. There is, therefore, much writing going on with my novelty syringe pens in my notebooks.

Radish Fiction, for those who missed it, is an app-based, digital, serial fiction platform. Download the app to your device for free. The first three chapters of any book are free. They are currently running an offer on Radish coins. All authors are invited to write for Radish. I don’t think they have particularly low standards, I must, therefore, not be rubbish!

Back to my moment of madness:

I'd like to introduce you to Kanner and Nix who are scouting the primitive planet of Iridessia. If the planet is suitable for human habitation, the construction companies will move in. Iridessia has all the usual things, solid ground, breathable atmosphere, water source, ghosts.

The pair is sent to investigate a cave system where they encounter things even the most scientific minds will fail to explain. Or did they? Kanner and Nix can’t agree on the events that took place in the cave.

My other 'clean' story on Radish has received very high praise.

For those of you who like a murder mystery, look no further than Missing Remnants. Track is investigating the murders and disappearances the Authority refuses to touch. Strange messages are relayed to him via the screens and service robots. He’s been stalked, attacked, kidnapped, his apartment has been broken into and his modular pet robot dog Banyon was dismantled. If he can work out why he might be able to solve the mystery of the Missing Remnants.

Missing Remnants has recently received a five-star rating. I've been told it's quite addictive.

So, come and have a read of my stories on Radish Fiction. They are some of the best stories ever written, said no-one ever...

Almost Halloween

Today is one of the highlights of my year. I love Halloween. I don't particularly enjoy the incessant opening of the front door and hand...