Monday, 5 June 2017

Strange place to keep your socks and other nonsense.

Fell off the face of the planet for a couple of weeks there. I would like to be able to report that I have won a literary award, the lottery and a new bathroom suite, but I haven't. Come to think of it, if I'd won the lottery I would be able to afford a new bathroom suite and as for an award for writing-Oh the hilarity!

Laptop screen was grubby, grabbed the first thing to hand to wipe it down-a sock I took off last week that was still on the sofa next to me. Turns out used socks are as good as anything else to get dust off a touchscreen. It doesn't smell, it also didn't stick to the wall when I chucked it, so I guess that's OK to wear again, if I don't start cleaning things with it.

My eyesight isn't superb at the moment. According to tests my long vision with my contact lenses is 20/20. Close vision is something else entirely. Unfortunately, I don't have long arms to type at a distance, so everything on the screen needs to be made mahoosive in order for me to see it. With that in mind, I converted a version of Nate and Day to a mobi file so I could read it on my phone. Blimey, wish I'd done that with book one, it is so much easier to read than trying to focus on the laptop. I'm regressing into someone that needs words big enough to fill four to a line.

Speaking of which, I am currently on what I hope to be the last edit of Nate and Day-Lunar Medical book 2. It's a damn good romp interspersed with some very powerful scenes. If nothing else I am very good at writing destruction and angst. I've written a roller coaster. I am working with an excellent cover designer who is producing covers for both books, so I can keep the series in similar designs.

In Pet News-Crunch the tortoise has ventured out into the garden a few times now that the weather is warmer. She has discovered that dandelions are OK to eat, but only after we broke the flowers off and gave them to her. She's only about 9cm long and the flowers were about a foot above her head. 

In Mum News-our 13 year old son out grew the trousers I bought him just two months ago. He's barely worn them. He's now surpassed his age in trousers. Last week these new/old ones were above the tops of his socks. When did that happen?

In business news-due to lack of necessity and fatigue, I quit working evenings. This means that as the kids get home from school later due to after school events, I can cook dinner without having to worry about getting it done before the clients arrive. That decision has been a long time in the making and has inconvenienced a sum total of no people.

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